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The hotel and Tourism Training Institute of Arusha has inked a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kenya Utalii College of Nairobi, through which the two hospitality authorities will mutually cooperate in offering high-quality training in the industry.

The institute runs under the Vocational Education Training Authority (VETA) whose Director General, Eng. Zebadiah Moshi pointed out that recent research has revealed that there was acute shortage of qualified manpower in the country’s hospitality and tourism industries.
“The decision to collaborate was anchored by the East African Community which targets deep and wide associations among partner states and especially the cooperation in tourism and wildlife management,” stated Ms Florah Hakika the Principal for the Hotel and Tourism Training Institute here. Member states are to establish a common code of conduct for tour and travel operators, standardize hotel classification and harmonize professional standards in the industry.

And due to that, Tanzanian training authorities realized the need to use the expertise of their Kenyan counterparts who have been in that field for nearly five decades.

“In the past, hotel training used to be considered as a profession for female students with men shunning away from it and the few that joined such courses happened to be those who failed to secure places in colleges elsewhere,” pointed out the HTTI Principal, Ms Hakika.

The Principal for Kenya Utalii College, Dr Kenneth Ombongi said even before the signing of the MoU, they have been working closely with the Hotel and Tourism Training Institute of Arusha through series of training and exchange of students and the signed collaboration just goes to cement the relationship further.

The agreement between the two institutes will dwell on teaching staff exchange programmes; capacity building for vocational teachers within the Vocational Education Training (VET) system; provision of joint programmes and courses to meet the competence required in the hospitality sector; and moderation and invigilation of assessment.

Under the newly endorsed pact, the two colleges intend to provide joint certificates for jointly new programs; conduct research and consultancy jointly. They will also jointly conduct hospitality and tourism promotional activities such as skills competition and exhibitions.

Dr Ombongi pointed out that with more than 45 years in the industry, Kenya Utalii College has become the authority in tourism and hospitality training boasting graduates working in practically every country on the globe.

“We have also hatched cooperation with Makerere University of Uganda and soon another MoU will be signed between KUC and Rwandan institution and later we intend to ink the same with Malawi as well as the South-African North West Tourism Board Training,” revealed the Kenya Utalii College Principal.
VETA, Hotel and Tourism  Training Institute  located at Njiro Korona held its first graduation ceremony  on June 20th , this year. The function was graced by the Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Dr. Shukuru Kawambwa


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