After all, for the past 11 months, Rwanda has handed over 12 Congolese soldiers arrested on Rwandan soil for trespassing- or on a recon mission- via the EJVM. When it comes to media reports on the ongoing Great Lakes crisis in Africa, Rwanda can’t seem to catch a break. While the jury is still out, the media has it all figured out; no matter what, blame Rwanda!
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The media’s negative attitude towards Rwanda is but a mere reflection of those who profit the most from conflict and instability. The very same organizations that claim to want to solve problems are the ones creating them in the first place.
This can be best illustrated in the most recent turn of events. “Not so…” says Congo, after claims of Rwandan casualties later retracted, “Rwanda abducted our soldiers and executed them in cold blood...”
In the face of such expected conflicting accounts, Rwanda took it upon itself to request the ICGLR Extended Joint Verification Mechanism (EJVM) to shed light on what really transpired on that fateful day. How naïve of them, one would now argue in hindsight, given the damning report recently ‘leaked’ to the likes of the BBC, putting the blame squarely on Rwanda. By the way, these institutions really need to get that leakage problem fixed… seriously, get a plumber or something!
Sounds like a joke, but I am dead serious. There is not a single report on the Great Lakes crisis that has not magically found itself on the news desks of the most prominent mouthpieces of the Anti-Rwanda movement.
But why always give ‘carte blanche’ to the DRC… and why the constant demonization of Rwanda? Possibly because the former is their biggest source of revenue while the latter pulled the rug under their feet by trying to actually resolve these issues permanently. If not for a clear disdain of Rwanda and its current leadership, how else would we explain that a border dispute we never heard of before and never filed with the African Union finds it way on such a report, with only Google Earth as a supporting document!. Topographical maps clearly show the hill of Kanyesheja II on Rwandan territory.
Leaking such a document without the required signatures of all parties involved clearly speaks of malicious intent. All of this comes just weeks after what was meant to be a milestone in resolving the real dispute between Rwanda and Congo Kinshasa turned out to be yet another disappointing masquerade.
The armed and dangerous motley crew dubbed ‘FDLR’, composed mainly of genocidairs on the run and their indoctrinated youths, remains a thorn in Rwanda’s side and presents a potential threat to its stability.